
The hidden and the revealed
The hidden and the revealed

Parashat Vayera 5783 From the very outset of this week’s parasha, vision and and seeing are important themes. We meet Avraham at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day, where God appears to him –vayera elav. In the following verse we read: Vayisa et einav va-ya’ar v’hineh shlosah anashim nitzavim alav. […]

Weaving Between Worlds: Honoring Our Ancestors
Weaving Between Worlds: Honoring Our Ancestors

Yizkor, Yom Kippur 5783 / October 5, 2022 I recently learned about a traditional practice of Ashkenazi Jewish women – making soul candles. Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, women in Eastern Europe would make candles. Each community had its own practice -sometimes the candles were made for use at home. Other times, they were […]

5780 5781 5782 5783 5784 beauty Bereishit betzelem elohim Black Lives Matter capitalism chametz Chanukah Chayei Sarah cleaning Climate Creative darkness divine feminine divine image Divine presence dreams Ecology economics Eicha embodied spirituality Exodus gardening Genesis God Grief Hallel Hanukkah Hayei Sarah Hayyei Sarah History holidays hope image Israel Joseph joy labor Lamentations Leviticus light Memory Mi Ketz mourning Naso Palestinian parasha Passover Pesach Pinchas pleasure Poetry politics prayer Public life Race Racial Justice reflection Religion revelation Rosh Hashanah Ruth shavuot Shemot Shir HaShirim Silence Sinai social media song Song of Songs spring Sukkot Tal tefillah Teshuva Theology Toldot Torah Truth Vayechi Vayera Vayikra Vayishlach video Vision Words Yom Kippur

About the Creator

Rabbi Lindsey Healey-Pollack

I’m a rabbi and interspiritual guide, ritual artist, and writer.