
  • I’m trying something new here, which is writing up some thoughts more or less as they are occurring to me. I find that I often have an idea, write down some notes with the intention of coming back to it later, and then…well, it languishes in my Google Drive purgatory. I find that I can…

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  • Whenever a major crisis occurs in our country or in the state of Israel, I feel a pressure as a rabbi to react swiftly. The task can be daunting: to sift through the various news sources to reach conclusions about what is happening, and then to process that information into a coherent message to share…

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  • I was scrolling through Instagram the other day and found myself admiring the work of others who have creatively used their accounts as a platform for their professional lives. I noticed the sleekness of the images, their ability to convey meaningful teaching and information in an aesthetically-pleasing way. It took about 30 seconds for my…

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